写人写事类话题在中考英语写作中频繁出现。描述难忘经历时,可借鉴此表达:“Everyone has the most unforgettable experience, so do I. It happened during last term. I had trouble studying English. I felt worried and upset. My English teacher helped me analyze my problem patiently and encouraged me never to give up halfway. Gradually, I made progress in English and gained the confidence.” 若要写感恩的人,稍作修改即可,突出人物对自己的重要影响,如 “Compared with other people, My English teacher Mr. Chen is the most important to me and I want to express my thankfulness to him.” 。而写敬佩的人,以手机发明者 Martin Cooper 为例,阐述敬佩原因, “The reasons why I like him best are as follows. First of all, the mobile phone makes it easier to keep in touch with others. Besides, I admire his creative thinking.” ;写身边的人如父亲时,则突出其品质对自己的教导, “My father teaches me how to be a responsible man and I learned that if I want to succeed in my study life, I must put in hard work and never give up halfway.” 。
对于最喜爱的书或电影类话题,以《哈利・波特与魔法石》为例, “Compared with other books, Harry Potter and Sorcerer's Stone is my favorite. This fantastic book, written by J.K. Rowling, tells us a wonderful story about a young boy who dared to fight against powerful enemies and grew up positively and successfully.” ,从书籍内容、对自己的影响等方面进行阐述,展现书籍的魅力和对自己的激励。
传统文化类话题涵盖丰富内容。在文化艺术节上, “First of all, we will enjoy an excellent speech about Chinese traditional culture. Besides, seeing a wonderful exhibition of traditional handcrafts is on the schedule. What's more, we plan to have many cultural performances, such as Chinese tea art show and traditional dancing.” 。介绍剪纸、老舍茶馆、胡同、春节等传统文化元素时,可分别突出其特色,如 “The amazing paper - cuttings stand for the imagination and creativity of Chinese.” “Lao She Teahouse is a good place to visit and it's a symbol of Beijing folk custom.” 等,同时讲述传统家规和餐桌礼仪,体现传统文化的规范和内涵。
现代科技类话题常围绕科技产品的利弊展开。以智能手机为例, “With the development of modern science and technology, the smartphone is playing an important role in our daily life. It brings us a lot of benefits and convenience. However, every coin has two sides. The smartphone has many disadvantages as well.” ,先阐述其在沟通、信息获取等方面的优势,再指出对眼睛的伤害、易导致学生沉迷游戏成绩下降等弊端,最后提出合理使用的观点, “In my opinion, we should make proper use of the smartphone so that it will serve us better.” 。
志愿者类话题体现学生的社会责任感。在敬老院做志愿者, “I will work as a volunteer with my classmates in the nursing house in our community. We are going to do some cleaning and give a performance to bring the elderly much joy and happiness.” ;在儿童福利院, “We are going to teach them English and give a performance to bring the Children much joy and happiness.” ;作为环保志愿者, “We are going to do voluntary work in Beihai Park this Friday morning to protect and beautify the environment. We will meet at the school gate at 8:00 a.m. then we can get a bus to get there.” ,描述活动内容、集合时间地点等。
交通安全话题强调规则意识。在 “遵守交通规则从我做起” 的演讲中, “In order to lead a safe school life, it's of great importance for students to know about the traffic rules. Here are some traffic rules that we must follow. First of all, we must follow the traffic lights.” ,列举遵守交通信号灯、过马路左右看、不在街道玩耍等规则,表达自己遵守规则并呼吁他人的决心。
梦想类话题鼓励学生表达理想和追求。以 “We Are All Dreamers” 主题征文为例,引入部分 “Dreams differ from person to person. Some would like to be a doctor, while others dream to be an artist. When it comes to me, I am eager to be a teacher when I grow up.” ,解释原因如受老师启发, “The reason why I want to be a teacher is that I was inspired by my math teacher Mr. Lee.” ,实现梦想的努力包括努力学习、去社区儿童之家做志愿者教英语等, “In order to be a teacher, I make up my mind to study harder from now on. Also, I will work as a volunteer to teach English in the children's home in my community.” 。