北京中考英语写作逆袭!这 5 大高频类型是关键!

发布时间:2025-02-14 22:55:56 | 点击次数:1323 | 编辑:小于老师 | 来源:北京中考信息网
摘要 北京中考信息网聚焦北京中考英语写作,详解邀请信、申请信、致歉信、通知、请假条 5 大高频经典类型,剖析写作要点与示例,为考生提供提分攻略,助力中考英语取得佳绩。

  英语写作作为重要的得分板块,一直备受考生和家长关注。掌握常见的写作类型及技巧,对于提升英语成绩、在升学中脱颖而出至关重要。今天,和北京中考信息网深入探讨北京中考英语写作的 5 大高频经典类型,为考生们的备考提供有力支持。


  邀请信是中考英语写作的常见类型。写作时,首先要明确写出活动的时间和地点,如 “It will be held on our campus from 9:00 to 11:00 this Friday.” 或 “We will meet at the front gate of xxx at 9:00 this Sunday.” 。接着详细介绍具体的活动安排, “A variety of meaningful activities have been arranged, which will broaden our horizon and enrich our after - school life. First, we plan to... Then, we are going to... At last, doing sth. is on our schedule.” 。 同时,为被邀请人提供准备建议也很关键,比如参加户外活动可提醒 “Remember to wear comfortable shoes and clothes because we will walk for a long time.” ,若有记录需求可告知 “It's a good idea to bring a camera to record wonderful moments.” 等。还需说明报名方式,如 “To make sure you can sign up for xxx as quickly as possible, please log in the school website and fill in the form with your personal information.” ,以及到达活动地点的方式 “You can take No.6 bus and get off at Beihai Park Station. It is cheap and convenient.” 。最后,以热情的结尾邀请对方回复,如 “I'm sure we will have a good time. Would you please drop me a line to let me know if you can come?” 。


  申请信写作的第一步是表明来意,即 “I'm writing to apply for this opportunity to do sth.” 。随后,重点阐述个人优势,从性格方面,可描述为 “I'm outgoing, warm - hearted and always ready to help others.” ;语言能力上, “I'm fond of English and do well in speaking and writing.” ;团队合作方面, “I'm easy to get on with and enjoy teamwork.” ;知识储备方面, “Being a student, I've read a lot and have much knowledge in many fields such as history, geography and science.” 。 最后,要表达决心和希望得到回复, “I'm sure I can try my best to do this job well. Thank you for considering my application. I'm looking forward to your early reply.” ,向收信人展示自己胜任的信心和诚意。


  致歉信首先要用恰当的句型表达歉意,如 “I'm writing to apologize for (not) doing sth.” 或 “I'm terribly sorry that I did (didn't) do sth.” ,像 “I'm terribly sorry that I didn't reply your e - mail in time.” 或 “I'm writing to apologize for not attending your birthday party.” 。 然后,合理地解释原因,常用模板 “How I wish I could do sth. However, I was busy doing sth. at that time, which was of great importance for me. Therefore, I have no choice but to focus on it.” ,例如 “How I wish I could have a good time with you. However, I was busy preparing for the final exam at that time, which was of great importance for me. Therefore, I have no choice but to focus on it.” ,让对方理解自己的无奈。


  通知类写作要清晰地传达信息。如学校原计划的郊游因天气原因取消并改为参观首都博物馆,可表述为 “We are so/terribly sorry to tell you that the school has to cancel the trip this Sunday because of the rain reported by weather forecast. Instead, we will visit the Capital Museum on that day.” 。 接着说明在博物馆能进行的活动, “In the museum, you can see some old famous paintings, enjoy various valuable exhibits, and listen to the guides' vivid introduction. I believe it will be a good chance for you to learn about the history and culture of Beijing.” 。同时,明确参观规则,如 “While visiting the museum, you are expected to obey the following rules. First, all the exhibits mustn't be touched. Then, to protect the exhibits, flashlights can't be used when taking photos.” ,以确保活动顺利进行。


  写请假条时,先表明无法参加课程,如 “I'm sorry to ask for absence from your English lesson.” ,接着说明要参加的活动, “I'm going to take part in... at 2:00 tomorrow morning.” 。 最重要的是提出缺课的弥补措施, “As soon as I go back to school, I will ask my classmates for help to make up for the missed lesson. I plan to copy the notes and promise to hand in the homework on time.” ,向老师展示自己对学业的重视和负责态度。






